First Winter in Sequim
Hi there, this is Cynthia. I love gardening and just moved here from Southern California. There wasn’t enough land where I used to live. So I moved to the Pacific Northwest, far away from the crowded cities, into a small house on an acre lot. So that I can garden, a LOT!
LOL. The ground is frozen today and I can’t dig. Not a problem, I found some pretty bowls from a local thrift shop, got some spring bulbs from Home Depot at half price. Put in little pebbles from the yard. I have lots of them. Add water. I placed the small bowls in the living room, in front of a bank of south-facing windows. To my surprise, in the middle of November, they started sprouting. Two weeks later, I see flower buds.
It was a great feeling to be able to give bowls of narcissus flowers to friends and family during Thanksgiving week.