First Winter in Sequim

narcissus flowers in a vase
view of mountains in Sequim

Hi there, this is Cynthia. I love gardening and just moved here from Southern California. There wasn’t enough land where I used to live. So I moved to the Pacific Northwest, far away from the crowded cities, into a small house on an acre lot. So that I can garden, a LOT!

“So I moved to the Pacific Northwest, far away from the crowded cities, into a small house on an acre lot. So that I can garden, a LOT!”

LOL. The ground is frozen today and I can’t dig. Not a problem, I found some pretty bowls from a local thrift shop, got some spring bulbs from Home Depot at half price. Put in little pebbles from the yard. I have lots of them. Add water. I placed the small bowls in the living room, in front of a bank of south-facing windows. To my surprise, in the middle of November, they started sprouting. Two weeks later, I see flower buds.

It was a great feeling to be able to give bowls of narcissus flowers to friends and family during Thanksgiving week.

Cait McPhillips

Cait McPhillips is successful a graphic designer with over 20 years of professional experience. I am fluent in the Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Indesign, and Photoshop) and have a 100% job success score with Upwork.

I work in both Squarespace 7.0 and the new 7.1 platforms and have built websites for professional coaches, restaurants, consultants, attorneys, stores, real estate companies, book authors, chiropractors, wedding professionals, corporate businesses, and non-profit organizations

When I design—I assist with copywriting, editing, and SEO. Your graphics and photography will be optimized for speed and named correctly for SEO.

I am detail-oriented, organized, and a strong communicator, and I enjoy working with small businesses.

Sustained By Trees